Helping Nurses "Live Smarter Not Harder" by Balancing the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit

Posts tagged ‘nurses week’

Are You Looking for a Speaker for Nurses Month?

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May is Nurse Appreciation Month. As you plan activities for your staff, consider the services of Consults Unlimited Inc. This is a unique opportunity to acknowledge your management team independently from the rest of your nursing staff.

Healthcare organizations are looking to improve outcomes as insurance companies, regulatory agencies and patients demand high quality care. Nursing managers influence the accomplishments of a healthcare organization because they are responsible for translating the company’s strategic goals and objectives and bringing it to the operational level. I teach principles that every manager can use to increase their effectiveness as a leader. Your management team will be motivated and excited to lead their staff in reflecting your company’s mission.

The core responsibilities of the nursing leader are to assure delivery of quality, cost effective nursing services and management of the environment in which nursing is practiced. Nursing managers are the first line of defense for both the nurse at the bedside and the healthcare organization. Most nurses go into management without much training and sometimes with little continuity of reinforcement or support. Many don’t stay and others become ineffective. Many who stay ask themselves “Why am I doing this!”

On a practical level, nursing administrators must be carefully selected, developed in their roles, listened to and supported in their decision making. While there are several training opportunities aimed at the staff nurse, very few programs target the administrative team.

I work specifically with nursing managers, administrators and executives. I offer workshops, seminars or keynotes on leadership topics in a practical sense such as my keynote “3 Ways to Take Control: Mindset First!” These topics promote insight into the “why” we chose management positions and “how” we can do it better. Understanding what you think affects your behavior and your behavior has a powerful ripple effect on others. Instant changes can occur in your managers, your staff, patient satisfaction while also affecting your organization’s mission and bottom line.

About Naomi
Naomi is a Registered Nurse, Certified Life Coach and Motivational Speaker. She is owner and CEO of Consults Unlimited Inc., a Professional Life Coaching company. She is known as the Life Coach RN. With over 30 years of nursing experience, she has been in management for over 19 years. Her nursing practice includes bedside nursing, Hospital, SNF, Homecare and other areas of healthcare. Credentials include a Master’s Degree in Health Services Administration, several certifications, military service and work with several community and professional organizations.