Helping Nurses "Live Smarter Not Harder" by Balancing the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit

Archive for March, 2020

Simple Shifts for a Better Life

When I ask people “What have you been up to?” the usual answer is something like “Just going to work, coming home.” Know this, your work is important, but its only one part of your life.

Sure, it provides income, community, routine and a sense of purpose. It puts you in a position to help people on a daily basis. However, the other areas need attention too. Your family, your hobbies, your friends outside of work…all of these elements are essential to your sanity and overall enjoyment of life.

Of course, you know this. That’s why you’re reading this article. Now, you could quit your job right now and radically restructure your life, but you probably don’t really want that. And, truth be told, small changes are the longest lasting and most impactful.

With that in mind, here are 3 simple changes you can make right now to profoundly improve your work-life balance.

  1. Exercise Throughout Your Day

Studies have shown that short workouts done throughout the day are more beneficial for your health than trying to bang out 30 mins at the gym after work. Every 45 mins or so, get up and stretch, walk around the building, or do a few pushups. This will give you more energy, a sharper brain and loads of endorphins that make you happier. That way you have the energy to play with your friends and family when the workday is done.

  1. Meditate Frequently

Don’t force yourself into a rigorous schedule of an hour of meditation every morning. Get 5 minutes in. Then another 5 minutes at lunch. Then another 5 after work in your car. Set the timer, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. This will keep you from over-stressing and becoming reactive. Your friends and family will appreciate that…and it doesn’t take much on your part.

  1. Unplug During Important Activities

When you go to a concert, attend your kids’ soccer game, or sit down for games with your friends, turn your phone off. Better yet, leave it someplace safe in your car. You can pick it up later, I promise. For these few precious moments, ditch your digital life and live in the present for a while.

Making positive changes in your life can sometimes feel overwhelming.  You don’t have to drastically overhaul your life at one time. Start living a little differently, and soon you’ll see huge improvements.

Live Your Best Life!

Naomi D. Jones

 For more information on transforming your life, contact Naomi D. Jones.  Naomi is a Life Architect/ Success Coach, Author, Speaker, Registered Nurse, and Mentor.  Naomi supports individual transformation in the areas of Personal and Leadership Development.  Naomi serves as a catalyst by helping people live extraordinary lives as they also build Legacy.  Her latest program, “Check Y.U.R. Chicken: How to Stop A Self-Defeating Mindset” is exciting audiences everywhere teaching women how to get out of their own way by releasing fear and finding the courage to live their best life!