Helping Nurses "Live Smarter Not Harder" by Balancing the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit

Archive for the ‘Plan’ Category

Live Interview With Naomi D. Jones and Janine Kelbach

Entrepreneurship makes the world go around.  Technology that produced the computer

Naomi D. Jones. RN, MS, CRNI

changed the way we live and do business because of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs.

Healthcare has evolved through entrepreneurs like Florence Nightingale who started the first nursing school and Lillian Wald who founded the Henry Street Settlement and Visiting Nurse Service of New York.

Entrepreneurs see a need and then use vision , resources and passion to fill that void.

Nurses are becoming entrepreneurs at an astounding rate and they are not only helping people, they are making money!
Here is an interview that I did with Janine Kelbach owner of WriteRN writing services and blogger for The Six Figure Nurse.  Here’s a glimpse into my journey as an entrepreneur.. …


What is the name of your company?

Consults Unlimited Inc. but I am known as the Life Coach RN

What exactly does your company do?

I provide coaching, mentoring, books and speaking presentations for Nursing Leaders. My goal is to help nurses who are in leadership balance their life purpose and their career. I teach nurses self-development principles and how to align their mind, body, soul and spirit so they will become better leaders of themselves and become more effective in leading others. When you understand and embrace yourself and your journey in life, you can attain fulfillment and joy while working in the profession as a nursing leader.

Why did you start this company?

The first reason for starting my own business is that being a nurse for over 35 years, I have had the opportunity to work with ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ types of nursing leaders. The ones who were ‘good’ helped me grow in my career as a nurse, a woman and as a human being. Even though nursing is a caring profession, we often are not good to each other. Take the phrase ‘Nurses eat their Young’. I wanted to change that. I wanted to create a culture of compassion and kindness for the nurse who is on the front line of providing healthcare to the world. When the opportunity arose for me to step up to a leadership position, I made a conscious decision to do my best to positively impact my staff and my peers. During my 20 years as a nursing leader I was able to develop skills and strategies that not only made me successful in this endeavor but it allowed me to help other nursing leaders realize they could have the same results. I want to continue to make an impact and that’s why I decided to work with nursing leaders in this area as a business.  Read More. 


Planning For The Holidays Financially!

Fall is here!  School is back in session. Most vacations are over.  Mentally we are starting to get back into routines. What routine do you have with your money?  The holiday shopping pressure will soon begin!  Well one thing we know is that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming!  Look around, the stores and commercials are gearing up.  It seems to begin earlier each year!  We are barely done with one season or holiday before they are advertising the next one.
Are you prepared mentally and financially? Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays.  For me it’s all about being surrounded by family and good food.  I usually have around 25 to 40 people at my home and I do all the cooking.  I love it but I definitely have to plan for it financially. 

  • One thing I do is start a little envelope in September for Thanksgiving shopping only. I will add about $25 – $50 dollars per paycheck to offset the need for extra food.

  • Secondly, I have my menu pre-planned so I know what I will need.

  • Another practice I have, is to start buying some of the non perishable items on sale and store them. 

Regarding Christmas, I have a Christmas club that allows me to save throughout the year and decreases the need to use credit for holiday shopping.

Planning is key! If you want to decrease the stress that sometimes comes with the financial constraints of the holidays, make sure you spend some time planning ahead.