Helping Nurses "Live Smarter Not Harder" by Balancing the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit

Archive for the ‘Christamas’ Category

Planning For The Holidays Financially!

Fall is here!  School is back in session. Most vacations are over.  Mentally we are starting to get back into routines. What routine do you have with your money?  The holiday shopping pressure will soon begin!  Well one thing we know is that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming!  Look around, the stores and commercials are gearing up.  It seems to begin earlier each year!  We are barely done with one season or holiday before they are advertising the next one.
Are you prepared mentally and financially? Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays.  For me it’s all about being surrounded by family and good food.  I usually have around 25 to 40 people at my home and I do all the cooking.  I love it but I definitely have to plan for it financially. 

  • One thing I do is start a little envelope in September for Thanksgiving shopping only. I will add about $25 – $50 dollars per paycheck to offset the need for extra food.

  • Secondly, I have my menu pre-planned so I know what I will need.

  • Another practice I have, is to start buying some of the non perishable items on sale and store them. 

Regarding Christmas, I have a Christmas club that allows me to save throughout the year and decreases the need to use credit for holiday shopping.

Planning is key! If you want to decrease the stress that sometimes comes with the financial constraints of the holidays, make sure you spend some time planning ahead.